Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009 – “Cruisin’ For A Cure” - Slight Setback

Hi Everyone,

First, remember to select “Follow This Blog” on the right side of the blog site or at least select the “RSS Feed”. I really would like to know that people are at least curious about what is going on. It kind of motivates me and especially when things are not going the way I had hoped; like this week. ---------> ----------> ---------> -----------> ----------->

Well, this week did not go as I had hoped. I have been trying to find a local motorcycle shop in my area to be a corporate sponsor and help me out with tuning up my motorcycle, a safety check, and possibly throw in a front and back tire before I depart on my journey. Unfortunately, both of my local Honda shops turned me down and now I’m struggling to find a shop that can help and also get some advertising for them. Yes, I’m stressing but I know that whatever is suppose to happen will happen for the best, I hope.

I’m home sick today and thought this is a good time to update the blog site. I really wanted to go for a ride today but maybe tomorrow, if all goes well. As it stands I have the “Cruisin’ For A Cure” and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society logos put in my Honda Goldwing. It didn’t quite go on the way I wanted it too but given what it cost me by the time it was completed, I’ll stick with it. I also have the website in four different locations on the bike.

I have started a new contract job recently and have not been able to devote the same amount of time that I was putting forth before but it is time to get rolling again. I’m still trying to get some corporate sponsors as that has been a real struggle given the economy but I’m determined to raise the goal I set of $50,000.00. If you have any business contacts, friends, family, or just people that you meet along the way that can help out, please let me know. I’m running out of time and certain things need to be in place before hand.

I did order my headset and microphone system yesterday so that I can communicate easier after I purchase the very expensive CB radio that I "need" as well. Cell phone reception may not work in certain areas and in case of a break-down; I need to be able to communicate at least with other motorcycles or truckers in the area (within range). This is also where I hope my Goldwing Road Riders Association ( membership will help out so I’m bringing my new GWRRA Gold Book directory to be able to call other Goldwing Riders for help if need be.Well, I as well as some of you know I get long winded when I’m typing so I’ll end here. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns please feel free to select the comments hyperlink below this message. I really would like to hear from you. Seriously!

Please visit the donation website at . We need your help!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a great thing! Don't forget that. You'll have ups and downs but always stay focused on your mission.....You inspire me and many others!

